2 Haunted Places In Surat That Will Give You Nightmares πŸ’€πŸ’€

dumas haunted beach surat gujarat

Though there is no proper evidence of the existence of ghosts, we all love listening to ghost stories. It is the thrill that gives us goosebumps, and we believe in certain unearthly presence. But, once you know about these haunted places in Surat, you will know that there is negative energy around you which often come in front of us, only if you are lucky enough.

Gujarat is a well-developed state with lots of industries and some amazing Gujarati Food. Each year, people visit the state to enjoy the natural beauty and the historical and traditional values of the state. But, those are not everything you can visit in Gujarat. One can experience some Haunted places in Ahmedabad as well, which is just a 5-hour drive away.

Haunted Places in Surat πŸ’€

If you are in Surat, and you have an inclination towards paranormal entities and activities, there are two places in the city where you can really feel something unusual. Visiting these places has to be at your own risk, but the locals will stop you from being there. Which places in Surat can give you spine-chilling experience? Read on to know more

1. Dumas Beach – Most Haunted Beach in India

dumas haunted beach surat gujaratNot only in Surat, but Dumas Beach is one of the most haunted places in India. It is the only beach of Black Sand on the Arabian Sea which is mesmerizing. People around the country visit the beach often, and it is one of the most happening tourist attractions for all. But, these are only for the daytime. As soon as the sun sets, you are not allowed to stay on the beach.

As the darkness prevails, the beach becomes abandoned, and the only wind blows fiercely over there. There is a particular line on the beach, and also there are warnings that say you shouldn’t cross a specific line on the beach.

Many people have heard whispers on the beach and also the behavior of the dogs change after the sunset. It is said that dogs can feel the presence of a supernatural being.

There are also incidents of people going missing, and these are the people who haven’t listened to the warning and visited the beach after the sunset. There was a Hindu crematorium on the beach at the earliest time. People say that the ghosts who roam around the beach, are of the people who didn’t get salvation.

2. Pathik Apartment/ the Kali Building

haunted building in suratThough the building is located in the posh area of Surat, β€˜Parle Point,’ the apartments in this building are never bought by anyone. Once, a security guard died there mysteriously, and since then people have refused to enter into their flats.

The building is kept locked, but recently a lady in black has been noticed in that building. As the building always remains locked, people got surprised to see her, roaming like a living ghost in the building. Once they entered, they found the lady, lying on the floor, unconscious. When she was treated well, people found she lost her sanity. Since then, the building remained abandoned again.

Also Read:  6 Haunted Places In Bhopal That Will Spook The Hell Out Of You.

Being a modern city, it is really difficult to believe that Surat has these two mysterious places which have no explanations till now. These are two haunted places in Surat that you should avoid visiting alone. If you have courage enough, make a group, and visit these places. But, it is always better to listen to the local people, especially when you are new to that place.


  1. It is so hard to believe that a city like surat has such haunted places.. I am new to the city and I will surely avoid these places now.


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